Anyone live in or around Canterbury?

You'll find prices a lot higher than up north. Its been a while since I've had to rent a 1 bedroom flat, but I'd imagine there's quite a big variation in prices according to your standards of living :p

Canterbury has a university so its a pretty good place for nightlife etc. There are plenty of places to go out, quite a few clubs etc.
Canterbury has 3 universities :p

It's a nice place to live and it's sad that I've left :(, but in terms of nightlife you might get a bit bored if you've been used to a large city. Mostly pub orientated with a couple of clubs. It is more student orientated, student nights at the works on Monday and Wednesday I think you need a student ID, and the venue (on the uni campus) doesn't allow non-students except when signed in by another student before a certain time and under the 50 (I think) guest limit

Couldn't really tell you about rentals having lived only in student accommodation, for which I was paying about 280pcm. In my experience the London Road estate is kind of like the chav zone innit, but mostly canterbury is considered tame in that respect.

Lots of bus services if that's what you mean, except on sundays (grr) and two train stations. Council seems pretty good overall.
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Prices are very high in Canterbury atm, the same is true for a lot of Kent e.g. Ashford where my folks hail from.

The nightlife isn't as good as other student based cities e.g. Liverpool Newcastle etc.
I live in Folkestone, which is on a good day about 30 minutes from Canterburym and go there quite a lot. My brother lives there, and his wife is studying at Christchurch Uni.

As previously said. It is a pretty expensive place to live, but at the same time, if you aren't picky you can get somewhere quite cheap. Because it is a university city the transport links are pretty good, and is encouraged by the park and ride schemes.

Where abouts are you going to be working, would allow us to help you out with places to stay etc...

Nightlife is pretty good, and as it is a Uni City the bars can be pretty cheap. The Westbar on the high street is pretty good, and I remember shots and mixers were 50p when I last went in there.
small world i come from folkestone as well,

canterbury is a nice place as said above lots of pubs, not always a bad thing :p

rent seems to be a lot higher in kent ive found.

I own a house in canterbury and rent a room to a mate. I charge £365 inc bills if that helps.

The night life!!! lol, carp tbh apart from the pubs. Its more of a town than a city.
Prices will vary from £400-700 per month depending on how close to the city centre you will want to be and the quality of the flat.
gavindo said:
small world i come from folkestone as well,

canterbury is a nice place as said above lots of pubs, not always a bad thing :p

rent seems to be a lot higher in kent ive found.


This seems to be the norm with the majority of the SE now. Especially as its becoming a lot easier to link to London, with the High Speed Link due to open this year. Admittedly thats in Ashford, but the whole area has suffering price wise.

The majority of properties on the market are being snapped up by developers and being maintained purely to charge over the top rent for students, as the properties are in high demand like most university towns/cities.

Just a shame the prices are not the same as they are in some towns/cities up North.
Lived in Canterbury through my uni years and after I left uni - I'm still there

It's a nice place. Night life consists of a few clubs really as most pubs close at 12am/1am

Prices - you're looking at about £630 for a decent two bed terrace and about £550 for a single bed flat. Personally I went for the two bed as it's nicer, bigger, cheaper and I'm happy to share (all excluding bills)
BaZ87 said:
why's that? Trust me its happening

Are South Eastern the management team formally known as Connex involved? :confused: I just can't see how this is going to work without building new track from canterbury. Its two track line between canterbury and ashford with the normal trains running every 20 minutes. How are they going to schedule in an express train that is quicker than the current 20 minute journey?
Cheers guys. Im going to apply to Venture Photographic studio who's studio is at;

Unit 5
Invicta House
2A Lower Bridge Street

I think id prefer my own place, even if it was a bit smaller. So far all sounds good. Nightlife can only be an improvement from where I live at the moment, so thats all good. I like the idea of a shortish ride in to the London as well. What's the countryside around the area like? At the moment I enjoy wildlife and landscape photography and ideally would want somewhere I could get to fairly easy to unwind.
used to stay there for weekends pre-kid.

Came over from Belgîe by ferry on friday to monday stayed near the toon center. Nice place for visiting all right high street with no cars is a + and you can walk most places.

More of a town really nothing city about it
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