Anyone made the move from 3DSMax to Blender?

12 Jun 2008
I'm a long-time 3DSMax user but due to licensing costs I'm having to jump ship. I've attempted to get to grips with Blender but after a few hours in I had to stop as my forehead could no longer take the head-on-desk punishment. Does it get easier? I can't even move the viewpoint around so getting stuck in to something like patch modelling seems like a lofty goal!

If anyone knows of any good tutorials (especially any for ex 3DS users) it would be most appreciated.
I don't doubt my experience with 3DS is the problem. I guess I have to unlearn everything. It reminds me a lot of trying to learn snowboarding after years of skiing... That also featured head pain come to think of it :D

I'm very impressed with what I've seen Blender is capable of so I anxious to get stuck in!
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