Anyone make money from iPhone/iPad apps?

8 Jun 2005
Thinking about getting into this because I have loads of ideas.

Looking for info on how to get started from scratch :)

What do I need to learn? Are there any courses I can take? Self taught or otherwise.


Just look for iPhone/iOS development.

You used to need a Mac to use it on too unless that has changed or you can get around it with some kind of jiggery pokery.
What do I need to learn? Are there any courses I can take? Self taught or otherwise.
All depends on what programming experience you have really? No point us recommending something that starts with the fundamentals of object-oriented and MVC development if you're already experienced.

Books on what though? I don't know what language it is or anything yet :)
The language is Objective-C. There is a ton of documentation, sample code and other resources on the Apple Dev Centre.
I'd also recommend reading up on the App Store Guidelines and HIG to make sure your ideas are ones that will be accepted :)
If you have OO programming experience then the move to Objective-c is painless. The IDE Xcode is very good and free to download. This includes an IOS device simulator but to test on real devices or release to the App store you need to have a paid developer account.

Without OO experience, it would be an steep learning curve. With a Java/C++/C# background you would be up and running very quickly.
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