Anyone managed to polish their motors this month?

18 Oct 2002
SW19 baby!
Just wondering if anyone has bothered to try and polish/wax their cars yet. Mine needs a decent buff but the weather has been too bloomin cold. The polish just won't buff out and i've had to wash it all off twice. Anyone know of any low temp polishes etc, oh and no i don't have a garage. :(
Nope, not done it since October, just concentrated on keeping the salt off it really.

Got half a day off Monday to do some jobs around the house then wash it and polish it.
Got one of those polishing machines october last year so gave it a good going over with the Meguiars etc.

Washed it twice since then with Meguiars car wash and it comes up fantastic each time.
Took mine to a hand car wash where they put wax on it, looks good. I will give it a proper wax in the Spring.
It's being washed, but not waxed - it's too cold for the wax to do a proper job really :(
I just use a spray on wax like wax it wet or something similar during the winter months.

Infact if I think about it thats all I ever use, just give it a single polish in the summer then top up with a quick spray of wax every wash.

Looks pretty damn good too if I do say so myself :o
There's no point in even washing it, will be filthy again the next day. If you leave it long enough the grime falls off in flakes :D

The winter months do play havoc on trying to keep your motor clean. I've not cleaned mine since October. She's a right mess... Gonna take me a whole day to get her back into shape. I don’t know of a polish /wax that works at the temps were are getting at the moment, but I won’t clean my car until I get a warmish day. It’s just too cold.

What is terrible is that I see folks with BRAND new cars going through those awful car washes at petrol stations.. Makes me cringe every time..
I gave mine a good shampoo'ing (essence of coconut and banana, only the best for my car, even the girlfriend gets Tesco Value stuff) on Sunday before driving it 150 miles the next day. It still looked shinier than the DB9 that parked next to me at the hotel yesterday though. :cool:

Will wax it in spring.
I've just given it a jet wash and some of the spray on way at the jet wash once every couple of weeks. No point doing much more this time of year...
doing my best to keep washing the salt off with the jetwash, but thats about it
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I dont bother this time of year to keep things spotless, absolutely no point at all. I just keep the salt and grit at bay and just pray for the summer!
Being the lamer-more-time-on-my-hands-than-sense-student that i am, i did mine yesterday. Hadnt done it for a couple of months beforehand. Wash, paint clean and polish.

Still had the same smudging problem with Meguiars NXT as usual but no more so because of the temperature.
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