Anyone moved their vmware VM's into Azure?

They're different products, I can't see who would go to the expense of rolling out vSphere / vCenter for a bunch of cattle.

Azure and AWS are not (yet) the same thing as a VMware cluster but running somewhere else.
No too expensive and vmware has nsx
Too expensive? LOL

I've currently got 7 VMs running and getting a bill of around 140 quid per month. Thats like 20 quid per month per server. I bet I am paying more than that in electricity for our on prem servers!

Azure is insanely easy to use, stupid cheap.

Gartner only really rate Amazon and Microsoft. Google might catch up, but you have to have some deep pockets to invest in IaaS for public consumption. (if you read the Gartner blog, they say anyone going up against Amazon, Microsoft and Google in this space is mental basically.)

Get an idea of how massive these are here :

Watch the video. Different class. For 20 quid per month.
So are you handling region failures by having software that clusters or what? Because no cloud providers really 'do' high availability of VMs because that's not the sort of workload you are supposed to be running.
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