Anyone on 3 network ?

18 Oct 2002
At home

just got my new phone, LG u880. Very happy with it actually, and so far seems pretty good.

Was wondering anything decent i should know about, on the 3 network, like any decent sites i can go to. Oh has anyone configured it so they can check their email, if so does it cost money ?

have you got this on the 12month free line rental contract? I was looking at this phone but haven't had chnace to test it yet.
dilated said:
is the 3 network still very poor for reception?
Im on 3, and in London its excellent, get full 3G coverage everywhere.

When im out of London it sometimes changes between 3G/2.5G but its still all good. It really depends what the coverage is like in your particular area.
I have a freind on 3 and it is always diffifcult to talk to him, strange as he works in the centre of Birmingham. Maybe it is a problem with his handset.
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