Anyone on Lebara? Looking to activate 4G+

10 Dec 2007
Both me and my brother have the Redmi Note 10 Pro. He has giffgaff and I recently went to Lebara on that £1.99 deal. I wanted to see the speed differences on the networks in the same area so when I got his phone to run, I saw his top right hand corner stated 4G+ while my phone has only ever shown 4G.

I googled Lebara 4G+ and the first result is the French site version (but English text) which you can't read if you are signed into Lebara with a UK number:

It states to send a text of 4G to 22241 so obviously I looked around for an actual UK page and found nothing of how to do this in UK but Vodafone supports 4G+ so no reason Lebara won't right? This prompted me to contact Lebara customer service who said "send 4G to 38885".

Can anyone find a Lebara page or any other documentation that states this is how you activate 4G+? I don't want to do this and have my speeds be somehow worse.
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