Anyone on/use VERO?

6 Nov 2002
London UK
Just wondered if anyone here is using VERO? Seem to be the app Instagram used to be, more focus on sharing photography, artwork and creative videos opposed to all the blog, meme and adverts that fill up Instagram. Also has a decent interface.
I was quite active on instagram and there was a period earlier in the year where everyone on my feed was talking about moving over. Predictably, they had 2 accounts for a while and then came back to instagram.

Despite doing really well on instagram (16k followers) I soon realised it was having an affect on my photography. Everything fully zoomed and centred to comply with the algorithm of catching someone's attention.

I stopped and my photography has never been better. The only use instagram has for me now is to touch base with friends and see what's going on if I'm looking for something specific.
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