22 Apr 2008
Bryn Celyn Wales
Well I'm all booked in for this in the novice class.

Anyone Else? Never done a biking track day (done a few in a car), however looking forward to it. Take it nice and easy me thinks... the only thing I have to worry about is noise, 102db is the limit... hopefully mine will make it through!!!

Anyhow, anyone got any hints and tips for biking days? Any useful information?
I've done this track day before and it's a well run event. They are very strict on the noise limit though - I saw a 1098S with Termi's get turned away and they were only 2db's over the limit I think.

Also, don't be even 5 mins late for the briefing or you'll have to miss the first session - happened to me when I got stuck in traffic.

I'm quite tempted to book again and go on the GS :)
Well, I'm borrowing my mates DB reader... don't think I'll trust the "app" on my phone lol :-) and just check... god knows what 102db actually sounds like, but at least I'll be prepared... if mine is low 90's then even with inaccuracies I think I'll be alright, if I'm getting close to 100db... then baffle may be needed...

Also, INSURANCE. I assume like with cars basically if you write anything off, tough luck if you've not got trackday insurance? However, how's it work with other riders? They're insured for example for a track day... I plough into them writing theirs and my bike off.

So, tough on me, I walk home or bus :-) However the guy who is insured... he'll be wanting to do me and get a bike bike BUT my insurance won't cover me, how's this work?
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Done one of these Road bike only days at Cadwell with Bike mag, but some people still turned up on trackbike with number plates on and stick on headlights.... and there was also one guy with tyre warmers!!

Other than that.. it was a good day.
No indicators? WTF... didn't know that surely not?

Anyhow... Mmmm, tyres... I currently have Angel GT's on that I chucked on for my Euro Tour last August... they've done around 5-6k miles I think now... by the time this thing comes around, they'll be shot as got some miles to do between now and 22nd June... so... how much destruction could I expect? i.e. it'll determine what tyres to put on... I don't wanna put another set of Angel GT's at £240 notes to destroy them... when I've got a brand new pair of Pirelli Diablo's sitting in the garage that cost me £130 notes... not sure what to do... suppose it's how much of a track demon I am... being as first time at Oulton, I supect not very lol

Man I need a spare set of racing wheels lol :-)

BTW, if you try "April13" in the promo code see if it works, takes 15% off!
Yea all you need for a daytime mot is a numberplate and a brake light. Everything else is optional! Mirrors, Indicators, headlights all not required.
You don't even need a brake light, although if you've got a brake light switch then you need the light etc. I think the bare minimum is numberplate and horn.
No indicators? WTF... didn't know that surely not?

Anyhow... Mmmm, tyres... I currently have Angel GT's on that I chucked on for my Euro Tour last August... they've done around 5-6k miles I think now... by the time this thing comes around, they'll be shot as got some miles to do between now and 22nd June... so... how much destruction could I expect? i.e. it'll determine what tyres to put on... I don't wanna put another set of Angel GT's at £240 notes to destroy them... when I've got a brand new pair of Pirelli Diablo's sitting in the garage that cost me £130 notes... not sure what to do... suppose it's how much of a track demon I am... being as first time at Oulton, I supect not very lol

Man I need a spare set of racing wheels lol :-)

BTW, if you try "April13" in the promo code see if it works, takes 15% off!

If it's your first track day and you're using your road bike then go along with the attitude of dipping your toe in, trying something new, seeing if it's for you. Obviously check condition of tyres, brakes, chain etc. But don't go mad buying loads as you may hate it (unlikely). If you really have to spend money on it, get one of the suspension guys to set it up for you, anyone will tell you that's one of the best 'mods' you can do to a bike!

The Angel GT's seem to fair well, used on track, so as long as you got plenty of meat left on the edges, leave them on.

If you do have expectations of being a track god on your first outing, well... Just remember it's your road bike, if you drop it.. No fun riding back from the circuit with bent bars/footpegs missing :(

(and just think of the poor marshals having to clear up all that stuck on tat :p)

Just go along, and don't have any great expectations and enjoy. Next thing you know you'll be looking for a track bike!
Be sure to turn the neons off before going on track, people might think the plod are on track! ;)
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