Anyone owned a CCM R30 or KTM EXC 450?

1 Jan 2010
Cirencester, nr Swindon
Faults or interesting stories from either?

Looking to buy one of the above shortly as a commuter/toy.

Dad owns a DRZ400E which is set up for full motorcross use but road reg'd.
Ridden that a few times but its just a little to soft/wet for full on hooning on the roads ;) although it wheelies well :D

edit: Ive had my full bike licence since 17 and have had all sorts of bikes since then, got rid of my last one to get my Astra Turbo but im bored and need more thrills. 280BHP in a car is just not fun enough for me anymore once you get used to it.
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ive ridden a ccm r30 not owned it,was ok but i think the noise of it will put you off,was mega loud i had headache when i got off it,plus a lot of vibration

I like loud thumpers but even i have a limit. Did the one you rode have an open can on it?

Whats the power delivery of it like? I assume as its the twin carb/port freewind engine it should be quite snappy and crisp.
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