Anyone play Darts?

18 Oct 2002
Somewhere in the middle.
I am not sure if this is classed as a Sport so I just posted here :D

Ive been playing darts quite a lot this last week and Im getting pretty good, Well I think I am anyway.

So much so that I fancy a set of darts of my own.

Anyone know of a good set to buy, or have any good tips for an amateur Pub Sport player :)
Thats the thing, I dont actually know much about varying weights. There is 2 sets at work where Ive been playing a lot, One clearly heavier than the other, but Im liking the lighter ones and Ive found a sweet technique with em.

I imagine its lighter ones Im after. Do sports shops allow you to find a comfortable weight?
Is that the things that sit on the tail end of the flight?

Ive thrown a dart that has stuck into the back of the first dart and bent the pins on the back, I felt like Robin Hood but my mate wasnt chuffed with the state of his dart afterwards :(
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