Anyone play football for a local club?

8 Feb 2006
Hi, just wondering if anyone plays football for a local club? I used to, and I have been considering doing so again, but I don't know where to begin, I had a look on my towns website but couldn't find anything.

So who do you play for and how old are you?

I know the football is over now, but are any of you still playing at all?
nin9abadga said:
check out the bbc website for footy links in your area, i've just looked for mine (nottingham) and it has a list of youth football and stuff, the liklihood is that they'll have a men's team if they have u16 or u18.


Hi, could you kindly post a link to the section on the BBC website where I can search for clubs in my area. I can't find it anywhere. :o
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