Anyone play harmonica ??

I had a book with mine. Taught me everything I know.

No really, I know nothing at all that's not in the book... shame it didn't come with basic multiplication tables :(
i have a honer special 20 blues harp in the key of C. its my second one after a really rubbish one i learnt on. I suggest you get a dylan tab book, or just try to figure out tunes yourself.

And yes, call it a mouth organ or a harp.
google it mate, there are a few good ones, but prob can't link as they have tabs for songs that maybe they should not have :)
i dont play one of these or know anything about them.. but why so many different names?... just out of curiosity :)
Indie said:
i dont play one of these or know anything about them.. but why so many different names?... just out of curiosity :)

If you were at Primary school it would be called a mouth organ.
A more mature name would be harmonica.
If you play in a band its called a harp.
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