Anyone playing hearthstone on the ipad?

I'm just starting out on this.

Currently leveling all the characters to 10, then I'll beat the AI on expert before getting stuck in properly.

I'm considering using the Hunter as my main.
The AI on expert is quite difficult I've most chars to 14-16 and the cards the expert AI gets are insane it just gets a great starting hand most times. Took me 5 goes to beat the warrior on expert mode (I see you get a prize for beating them all on expert mode but how do you know which ones you've beaten?)
That's the same problem I have - not knowing which ones I've already beat. I've restarted but this time I'm working up from the bottom of the character list instead of down from the top.

Had my first go in the arena last night and won my first game. I was about to win my second as well when I had ditch it and go attend to something else. The guy I was playing will be relieved.
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