Anyone putting more money into their ISA?

18 Oct 2002
Well, tax year starts the 6th April so it's ok to plonk another 3k into the ISA.

Anyone else doing that or is there a better fad out there these days?
DezUk said:
I have a ISA with halifax and i only have 1500 in it just now, when is the cut off ?

See the post above.

Try and put in as much as you can in THIS tax year. i.e over the next few days.

Then you can put in up to 3k after 5/6 April.
Big Chris said:
So if I put some more cash in mine tomorrow then I'll get interest paid on the total amount in there come the 6th April?

No, the reason we are telling people to put money in now is because you can only put a total of £3000 in per year. So if you get 3k in before the 5th April you can put another 3k in after.
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