Anyone run their own web server?

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area

I'm doing a lot of freelance work editing photos for others and I've been considering moving away from Dropbox as a method for transferring files and just turning one of my spare PC's into a web server.

Host my own photography sites on there as well as using it for developing (python etc).

How hard is to to set up and maintain?

Everywhere seems to be pushing Ubuntu Linux as the OS to use, but my Linux skills are extremely basic. How hard is it to keep it secure?

Pretty certain I have a static IP address with Sky already and it's a spare PC (i5-4570s @ 2.9GHz, 4GB ram + 80GB SSD), so not quite old :)

Backups aren't an issue, i'm used to it anyway as I backup our works department server weekly.

Upload might be as its between 1-2MB/s.

I have two of the i5's but one's not got a HDD so might find a cheap 40GB one to run it from + a couple of TB HDD's I have, install Linux and have a go at it. Use it internally as well then to store music etc on and create a backup server for the family and business photos.

My main concern is, if Linux will even run on it. They are some DELL office machines that require custom drivers to run, even Windows doesn't run right straight out of the box with it... could be a learning experience!
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