anyone running 5GHz 24/7 on their SB system?



8 Aug 2007
looking at a changeover in the coming months to a SB based system

i have a 5ghz cpu at the moment [albeit with higher volts than i would like]

i have seen the 5ghz thread but that only really covers runs with superpi

what i am after is if any users have 5ghz stable using LinX/Prime95/IBT

specifically from 2500 and 2600 K series chips.


found some nice chips
so the question remains, which one...

both these clocks done on a p67 pro using 8gb corsair xms

thinking we should be good to go at these voltages on my water. expecting around 50'c load temps at least.

both these clocks were done on a megahalem with a 38mm fan. the mount on the i7 run was a bit of a rush job and the temps reflect that.
either way, its going to be a lot cooler on water.

the i7 is a little better, it took marginally less vcore to hit the target.

i am fairly certain that no cpu will do 5ghz at less than 1.4v at the moment. i had an hour out of the i5 yesterday at 1.38v but then a core dropped out. :(

the i7 dropped a thread early on but im sure i can iron that out.


no the cpus are picked from batch numbers, then i overclock them gradually from a 'standard clock' say 4.6ghz
and if it bombs out at say 4.8
then i move onto another cpu. when you get one that goes high on safe volts then i try it on max safe volts and see what it pushes to. if it has a bit more left in it. then it gets put aside for our systems with big overclocks.

or in this case, i buy it and push it to is max limit

@1Day. yes. the cpus are good. i need a bit more time on the 2600. i might actually buy them both and see which i prefer in real terms. then sell the one i decide not to keep as a proven clocker.
the deluxe is ok, but no better than the pro.

in fact i would say that all the asus boards over the pro are only worth it if you NEED the extra features that the boards offer.

i have benched on a maximus and it was NO different overclocking wise to the pro.

i could spend that extra cash on an elmcrest ;)

I more directed the question towards 1day but thats cool to know :)

Working at OcUK is like a dream job!

it certainly has its perks :)

no worries, at least you know that if you were to buy a custom system with max oc that you would get an uber cherry picked chip.
the shop is nothing special, typical computer shop affair.
we have a state of the art technical area with all the testing equipment we could ever need hidden away. its best they dont let me out much :D

b3 boards, you just buy one with the b3 revision marker on the listing.

if you have an older one and need it swapping out for b3
post here

and i will sort it out for you :)
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