Anyone running Damn Small Linux?

12 Jun 2005
A lake!
I'm trying to install this on an old laptop from the CD. I have no idea how to do this as all the guides seem to be explaining how to do it from within another distro. I just want to install DSL on its own.

So far I get to a screen with a command line:


above which it says something about Knoppix not being found but it lists 6 commands I can use.

Can anyone tell me what I should be doing, or point me in the direction of a guide that explains what I'm after?
I'm also messing around installing distro's on an old laptop, IBM thinkpad, 300mhz, 256 ram, 10gb drive :)

I had a quick go of DSL and it seemed to work quite well, I don't think it's really meant to be installed, more used in Ram. I've managed to get Arch installed using Openbox and it's not too bad to be honest.
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