I just watched this today, I avoided it at the cinema back when it was on purely because I thought it'd be just another film to forget about but I was suprised. Adam Sandler's made some really good films such as Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy and Mr Deeds, and he always seems to play the same character and in this one it's almost no different, but I really liked it.
I'm not ashamed to say but I actually cried watching this film, a film hasn't done that to me for a long while now but the morals behind it are really hammered home. Behind that though it wasn't exactly a good movie, it had a few laughs and kept with the Sandler style but tbh it told a really good story; even though it's probably been thought up a million times before I really enjoyed the execution of it.
Definitely one to watch, I had no expectations of it and was pleasently suprised/upset. lol.
Anyone else seen it?
I'm not ashamed to say but I actually cried watching this film, a film hasn't done that to me for a long while now but the morals behind it are really hammered home. Behind that though it wasn't exactly a good movie, it had a few laughs and kept with the Sandler style but tbh it told a really good story; even though it's probably been thought up a million times before I really enjoyed the execution of it.

Definitely one to watch, I had no expectations of it and was pleasently suprised/upset. lol.
Anyone else seen it?