Anyone seen these before??

26 Aug 2003
The North
I was photographing a bee earlier and have just noticed something whilst processing the pictures. Anyone seen them before/know what they are??? Only cos the bee was in my room at the time!!!!

I'm feeling soo itchy now and dont want to goto bed.


Not funny Mohain! Must have washed my hair at least 3 times last night as it is! :)

I'll never look at a bee in the same way again :(
Don't worry, they're totally harmless. Most large insects carry these. I used to keep all sorts of exotic cockroaches/beetles/stick insects, and most of them had them.

All they do is eat any debris that clings to the insect, thus keeping them clean. AFAIK they can't live on humans.
They look a bit like ticks to me, but I can't think a tick would feed on a Bee.
If they are ticks, they can be nasty little suckers and can carry disease.
Ive spoken to my mother (who is a beekeeper) and she says they are just mites. I was worried they might be varroa, which are really not good for bees!
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