Anyone still play Battlefield 4?

3 Jan 2018
Since getting a GTX 970 for Christmas I've been loving the higher quality games I couldn't enjoy so well with my old 7850. I bought BF4 Premium in the sale as I've always wanted to play it, and it's still reasonably active. I'm having the time of my life on it, I tried the BF1 trial but it just feels too simplistic in comparison.

Anyone here still play BF4? Would be nice to know of any good servers / have people to play with!
I've found that decent servers are quite hit and miss... I loved BF3 on Xbox back in the day, just never got onto BF on PC as I've always had a reasonably low-end machine. Would be nice to play some BF4 with some friendly people though! Might be nice to not have pilots bail on you, tank drivers refusing to move with you in it, and just generally non-tactical boring old farts!

Still need to try out PUBG, but no doubt I'll be sticking to BF4 for a while now..

I don't think I've witnessed any netcode issues that people talk about - perhaps I'm just still that bad at the game to not notice ;)
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