Anyone still playing PlanetSide?

7 Sep 2003

I can remember that PlanetSide used to be quite a big thing on the forums at one point and I decided to give it ago with it now being free and was just wondering if anyone from here was still playing?
there is a free 1 year trial out for it at the moment. Although i have tried playing planetside on 3 different occasions and decided it really sucks :P - but thats my opinion
planetsides ok, but you realy suck at the lower levels, and its REALY hard to be infentery with low skills (so, I can ether use good armour or good guns?) having to go though the tutorial for EVERY charicter just so I can get the quick XP for it is a pain in the ass too.
iirc free trial is only up to BR11, which I was above anyway, so it's pointless for me. I might be wrong however. :)
It's called Planetside reserves, and i think it's up on the main planetside webby
brightside_ said:
iirc free trial is only up to BR11, which I was above anyway, so it's pointless for me. I might be wrong however. :)
It's called Planetside reserves, and i think it's up on the main planetside webby
Bummer, I was BR19, oh well. I might resub at some point.
Peve said:
There is a link to the " Reserves"

The reserves is only up to BR6 what ever that means

There are 24(or 25 cant remmber) Battle Rank Levels each one gves you 1 extra certification point to buy skills with
Similarly there are 5CR levels. CR = Command Rank you can only get CR buy leading squades and capturing enermy bases each CR level gives a new tool or adds bouses to existing CR tools. I.e. CR 1 place markers CR 5 Large orbital strike.

I'm not sure how much longer the free offer will run for but its still got another 6months left i think.
I would recommend anyone give it a try, free fun for at least a few days :P

You never know you might like it.
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