Anyone still playing Sw:tor

27 May 2007
Been watching a few old vidoes of ours from back in the day (Niman server was still live and going strong then)

It's this kind of Video
that's keeps making me want to go back! er scuse the voice :eek:

We had huge fun doing this was a nightly thing for about 3 months then the Dev's in the infinite wisdom killed it off, and for me the game never seemed to recover.

Think I may just re-sub for a month or so and have some fun, the guild still going, though pretty quite now but I check every now and then and there are a few active players. ..any one keen to come back and do a bit of damage!

Though this time may reform or restart the Sith Guild not sure if that's still up as a idiot got leadership and ripped the bank off, then disbanded it. ( I did later reform it but did nothing with it. later I mean several months or even over a year later)

I know its a old-ish game now with many many issue's/faults, but there not been a lot better out since!!

Well drop a post here if there is any interest!!
I installed it again yesterday to have another bash now that my WoW scratch has been itched.

I play Alliance on The Red Eclipse server and although I'm in a guild it's very quiet during the day which is the best time for me to play.

Just playing on a preferred account at the moment to see if it pulls me back in and if it does then I'll sub for a bit.

Think best times for people online was anywhere from 4pm to around 11pm GMT, funny enough if there is no Sith guild left on our old server I will reform on RE.

The tacked-on endgame story mode didn't really do it for me, felt completely out of place in an MMO. Plus it wasn't particularly interesting - a capital crime from Bioware.

Can't disagree there, once through was not bad but if you ran ur alts through it was just painful!
I have to admit I never even got through it once. There was a bit where they were all on the ship, fixing stuff with this awful "We're all working together!" type music in the background. That was it for me :D

Still play from time to time on lower level alts though, or start a new toon. Just for the fun early levels.

Funny you mention that, for me the ship repair and the very first part of the new story (fighting on the damaged then exploding ship) was the hardest parts to get through, I also disliked the swampy part, but had great fun there killing Siths

It's a better game than it was at the start but the way it's now mostly story isn't for everyone. Ilum is also done, you won't see any open world PvP like in that video anymore.

Leveling is ridiculously quick now so alts aren't an issue.

Aye I know all this I have played twice since the old Ilum days, last time was for about 6/7 months and that was maybe 4 months ago now.

The new story part is just painful even if its quite quick its still very painful!

But the Ops and the PvP was not bad till the last patch where now there is a flagging system, so have no idea how that works but I guess not great, will treat the game as a PvE game now.
Ok had to clear up a few things before I could restart playing this game, thinking of creating a character on The Red Eclipse - Sith Empire, would like to start from level 1 with the new dark/light side changes.

But ..only gonna give this a go if find a few more who want to level as a group, really not into solo play now ...if it goes ok may see if I can get some old members to re-join, but will wait and see.

If things go well could move one or two of my other character across so will have funds and high level crafting.
I played it for a few months at the beginning of this year. Re-subbed to do the new storyline. Honestly, i wish it was more of a single player game (so less of the grind and silly point to point missions). I do find some of the content to be interesting, but not enough to play it more than a few months at a time. I've never tried to the PVP side of it (never particularly enjoyed PvP in MMOs, except planetside and SWG).

I'm pretty similar tbh, (except I love the PvP) I only play a few moths at a time I guess if I do go back (depends if others join) will only be up to 6 months max, before I need a break again. (but nothing written in stone)

Last time I played it was for around 4 months maybe 5, and was fun while it lasted, just gets a bit tedious after a while, I did enjoy the guild activities, where they had the weekly contests to conquer planets and you had to do various guild related quests, we won quite a few, which was great as we were all new back in the game, and most were new to the guild.

Always said SwT:oR has the worst f2p model ever seen, well by me at least!
Well I created a new character today Bloody'nine Sith inquisitor on The red Eclipse, if anyone is keen to join add me, if not I guess more Civ 4 for me then :p

I will not do any quests bar the first one where you have to be solo, so will be level 1 or 2 max.

Be nice if we can get a group of 4 and try set a time to play daily/nightly what ever suits as I'm home for a bit now.

We have Ts3 etc, can move a few characters across to help with money/crafting etc.

Well lets see if we have any additions if we do will re create Dark immortals guild, or maybe its time for a new guild name.....
I'm on the Red Eclipse but only playing Republic. I'm on most days but not so much at night. In a guild but hardly see anyone during the day and maybe only a couple at night but hoping this changes with the upcoming expansion.

I have a trooper there called Nine'fingers. :D
Ahh well re-subbed (60 day card) still not sure if I'm gonna play but thought I would lest be a sub while I see if any others want to join ... :eek: none so far :(

I have moved one level 65 ( as was free thought they all would be) to TRE.
Jedi Cathar called Purr'fection :p

So characters I have on TRE
Bloody'Nine (level 4 no quests done)
Purr'fection (level 65 with all the bells and whistles)
Nine'Fingers (level 21 on Coruscant)

so anyone :p
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Does anyone know if you transfer a character to a new server, does the stronghold go with him ... I moved Purr'fection across and I'm sure he had a stronghold, just cant remember :D ..certainly does not have one now, they also removed all the augments from my armour, strange!!

So as not to keep bumping own thread added this bit.

Formed a guild now on the Rep side, called The Immortals Guild (had to add the guild part as name was taken :( )

I have deleted and re-created Nine fingers (Rep Trooper) as needs to be a new character to do the Light Vs Darkness thing it seems.

Will form the Sith guild soon, regardless if anyone joins or not, I will play for the 2 month sub (cheap from reseller I paid less than £15 for the 60 days)

Sith Guild now created The Dark Immortals

Would be great to get a few people who want to try the new story lines along with the L&D choices (which to be honest doubt will have a big impact), though I'm intending to go dark on the trooper and light on the Assassin.

Ahh well I'm probably babbling to myself but hey ho!
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Ok Guess this will be my final post/bump in this thread unless anyone replies.

Have now started playing, I deleted my trooper Nine'fingers and remade her as wanted to level her part of the new DvL story and see what changes there are.

So Charaters I will be playing ..just in case you want to PM in game ;)
Purr'fection (level 65 with all the bells and whistles)
Inpector'Gadget (level 1, no quests as of now.) ((wasNine'fingers)) :p

Bloody'Nine (level 23 only completed the Korriban main story line)

On Bloody'Nine did 1 PvP quest, and jumped 5 levels :eek:
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Damn level 23 after Korriban? I thought it used to be like level 10-11.

You're really tempting me to play again but I just can't be bothered installing the game again lol

Yeah its a huge XP boost, especially as you get double from WZ, must say the game has sucked me in again, really enjoying it, though I have gone back to playing the Republic, levelling a Trooper Vanguard (dps) & Jedi Sage (healer)

...enjoying both!!

...............................................and come on its a easy instal!! :D
Level 41 and only just got to Tat, ejoying the game again, painful thing is need to buy another Guild ship, that's 50 million credits, and I only moved one of my 65 and he was the poor one :(

One thing I really enjoyed with the game was the Conquests!! which require a GS ...
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Anyone know if I transfer a character that's has a few strongholds, will I have to redecorate them all again? (cause that would be painful)

Guild running now, got a few in (59) though does not feel like a guild at all.
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