Anyone still using GTX460's for folding?

29 Jul 2011
In acme's chair.
I just bought a GTX460 on the MM, and have it running stock clocks with 0.875v, and it gets 15.5K PPD!

That is pretty good considering that it cost me £45 :D

If you use a 460 for folding, do you run it overclocked, underclocked, with stock voltages, increased voltages, decreased voltages? what cooling/temps to you use/get? and roughly how many PPD? :)

Mine sits at 68°C with the PNY XLR8 cooler in a case with very little airflow, in a fairly hot (at the moment at least) room. Which I thought at least, is pretty good :p
Seeing as my OCed 660ti is only getting 28k/day I'd be very happy with your purchase!
I have a 130Mhz core overclock but left the memory on standard clocks to reduce load as I'm told memory clock has little effect.

I think I get very nearly the same on my non TI 660. It was pre-overclocked to 1137MHz, it won't go any further than that without making a fuss unfortunately :p
Yeah but I didn't do a single point on the GPU for OcUK, most were bigadvs as you can probably tell by the no. of work units I've done. I did a lot for Bit-tech, I discovered folding through their CustomPC magazine, then came here and I'm now addicted to every sort of distributed computing :rolleyes::D

Wow yeah, just noticed your WU count :p

Being addicted to distributed computing is quite expensive :rolleyes:

In the distant(ish) future I think i'll have a single watercooled system with three or four high end GPU's folding 24/7...

At the moment I have a GTX460 folding 24/7 (bar the occasional LAN match with a mate) and a GTX660 folding every night, and sometimes during the day.

I used to fold on the CPU (OC'd 2500K) quite a lot, but the random hot weather burst today made the core temp of #3 (the hottest core) nudge 80 (usually stays between 70 and 75), so I paused SMP work for now.
Well... My poor i5 was sitting at 82°C for most of last night because I forgot to turn the radiator off :eek:

I think i'll just stop folding on the CPU now :p I'm just asking for trouble.
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