anyone subscribe to IGN Insiders?



9 Nov 2004
is it worth the $19 a year? do you know of something better? i'm hovering over the "take my money" page and wondering if it'll actually be worth it.

i wish they did the magazine subs offer for different countries :(
I do, and I've never had reason to cancel the subscription. The main reason I use it is to get the 640*320 downloadable versions of all the game movies I'm interested in. The head-to-head articles are good as well, comparing the same game across all available platforms, handy for someone like me who has all the current systems. Well worth $19 a year I reckon.
that's what i'm mainly going for...the game vids. i've amassed a few systems over the last year, and i'm planning on getting a next (read: current) generation one when they're all out. it's cheaper (and better) than a monthly mag too.


i knew if anyone would've had it, it would've been you
I've been a subscriber for about 3 years now, the best time to really gauge if it was worth the money is E3 time. I normally max my connection for hours with all the new game movies and as Davey has said you get the better res movies.
I had it for a while and it was well worth it, some great articles & vids available. Forgot to renew it when it expired so don't have it any more but might renew it if/when I get meself an X360.
Dillinga said:
Does it include Fileplanet + Gamespy access aswell or did I dream that?

Anyone have any experience of the Gamespot subscription?

I've got a Gamespot subscription... not bad to be honest but I only ever use it to watch movies. I tend to visit both Gamespot and IGN every day rather than just use the one. Would be handy if I lived in the US since Gamespot members get money off some online shop
I also joined for the year (just to IGN though, not the other sites on its network).

It is pretty much worth it, the video reviews aren't the greatest, but you do get to see the game playing, and at the same time the reviewer will show you any bad/good things in the game. The normal videos also have a lot better quaility, plus there are a few pages of wallpapers and a few other bits and pieces to look forward to.

Its so cheap, that I just joined. If you dont like it, its only about £12 or something for the entire year :)
being able to turn off ads is ace...i used to hate them because my internet connection can really crawl at times so it should hopefully be better now :)

i agree about the price as well, i figure £12 for a year is WAY less than i spend on computer games mags
Davey_Pitch said:
I do, and I've never had reason to cancel the subscription. The main reason I use it is to get the 640*320 downloadable versions of all the game movies I'm interested in.

Exactly the reason I had it. Unfortunately, due to circumstances I had to cancel it.

They also have some excellent articles and game guides.
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