Anyone successfully delid a 8700k?

24 May 2011
I’m tempted to do it to my brand new 8700k, but I’m a little worried to say the least... does ocuk offer delid CPU’s or is it worth the risk doing it myself?
Its worth doing it yourself, dont pay the premium for something so simple..
and don`t pay for a prebinned chip either, with a delid you will find your chip will reach the speeds anyway.. silicon lotto aside most 8700k`s are 5.0+ chips anyway.
"As of 6/08/18, the top 99% of tested 8700Ks were able to hit 4.9GHz or greater."
"As of 6/08/18, the top 86% of tested 8700Ks were able to hit 5.0GHz or greater."
"As of 6/08/18, the top 50% of tested 8700Ks were able to hit 5.1GHz or greater."

Yeah I think you should pay for the premium as you have around 14% chance of buying a lemon mate. :D
Someone on the Linus YouTube delid video gave some sage advice. He said that delidding is a good idea when you are thinking of upgrading and want to get a better cpu and decide you can just delid your cpu and get those extra overclocks without spending the money. And if you break your cpu, no matter you were going to buy another anyway. So I’m going to do that. Unless I have a really shoddy chip I think I’ll just do a relatively simple OC and be happy with the temps until I decide I need more power.

It’s annoying that there is a site in the US that does professional delidding for literally peanuts... we need one over here!

Edit - also found someone that can do it for £13.99 so that’s cheaper than buying the tool to do it myself...
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Cool what did you use to glue the HIS back and to scrap the old glue off?
Careful use of a blunt/soft tool like a credit card for removing.

Personally I use little dabs of epoxy on each corner, you don't want to build up any height and there's no need for it to be sealed completely. Easy to remove later is good, you just want the IHS tacked on.
Decided to finally take care of business and de-lid. I think this is the only way i will be able to look my friends and family in the eye again.

Ordered the tool and der8auer tool and thermal grizzly liquid metal from here. I won't be regluing the IHS. I've read some people talk about putting nail polish on anything exposed should the liquid metal get off the die. Does anyone bother with this? Also what is to prevent the liquid metal migrating off the die. I assume it's because it's such a thin layer?

I'll let you know how i get on. I'm on a 7700k currently getting 5 Ghz and gets to 85 max at gaming averages high 60's. Have my fans and pump all set to max so be nice to bring that down a bit and maybe get to 5.1.
Decided to finally take care of business and de-lid. I think this is the only way i will be able to look my friends and family in the eye again.

Ordered the tool and der8auer tool and thermal grizzly liquid metal from here. I won't be regluing the IHS. I've read some people talk about putting nail polish on anything exposed should the liquid metal get off the die. Does anyone bother with this? Also what is to prevent the liquid metal migrating off the die. I assume it's because it's such a thin layer?

I'll let you know how i get on. I'm on a 7700k currently getting 5 Ghz and gets to 85 max at gaming averages high 60's. Have my fans and pump all set to max so be nice to bring that down a bit and maybe get to 5.1.

Good luck! I’ve decided to get a guy off the bay that lives quite close to me to delid for £13.99. He has high rating and has apparently successfully delid over 100 cpus. So cheaper than doing it myself!
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