anyone taken voluntary redundancy and...

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
anyone taken voluntary redundancy and either gone travelling, done something crazy, or complete and utterly career change.
If so would be useful to know what your story is.
I had set a limit which i wouldn't take and the offer is 5k less, but now rethinking.
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mind me asking how much money you had, where you went, how long before you got another job and where you settled down?
after paying of some debts i would get just over 9k. There's also a good chance of getting another 2-3k in compensation. But its not a certainty.
Also have other savings, but don't want to touch them(did have a mortgage in principle and was looking, obliviously that's not happening now).
So can get my outgoings whilst travelling down to phone bill, then the travelling cost.
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