Anyone tried Safari Books Online

22 Jul 2004
Nottingham, UK
Has anyone tried Safari Books Online? (

They do IT books, and I might get a free months subscription when i take an exam with VUE.

Does anyone know if you get the books as PDFs?
The example pages are all webpages with the books content on them :confused:
Tried it a while back, but tbh I didn't find it that useful. I prefer hard copies to online books. Much easier to make notes and so on.

The books are webpages, but you can download a certain number of chapters in PDF each month.
Depends what type of developer you are. I know someone who uses it and he finds it very useful as he can use large numbers of books at a time to reference from. You dont get books at pdf's, they are standard html pages. If you use crawlers to try and copy all the pages they ban you from it as my university found out when students tried copying books!
Ive got corporate membership through work.

I've found it very useful when looking at new areas - for example when we decided to switch to useing ant to manage our build process, it was 30s work to log on and read a complete guide to ant - much better than trawqling through lots of vague web pages....
Yeah i prefer hard copies too. But the problem with them is they're usually so expensive, and its hit and miss if the library will have them.

But i might aswell try it, while its free.
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