Anyone use a go-pro ?

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
I'm worried if i put one of their mounts on my Arai helmet that it'll take paint off when i come to remove the mount.

Anyone else had experience in this ?
I use 3 of them :p

You can always heat up the pad with a hairdryer and they will come off very easily.

If your helmet has a glossy surface then you should have no issues at all.
Not sure if I'd want a camera on my crash helmet, the thought of it being pushed into my head during an accident puts me off. Isn't that what made Michael Schumacher's injuries worse than they would have been?
Not sure if I'd want a camera on my crash helmet, the thought of it being pushed into my head during an accident puts me off. Isn't that what made Michael Schumacher's injuries worse than they would have been?

I know I do think about that myself, however I'm sure even if you would have said that to Michael Schumacher prior to his accident, this could happen, he'd of brushed it off as unlikely.

Riding a bike full stop, is dangerous. If i was to say to you, you could end up with a serious head injury or in a wheelchair, would it stop you from riding ?
Just being alive is dangerous, without the extra risks. Still, if you die with your go-pro on at least there might be a record hopefully proving that it wasn't your fault. Not that it'll help much when you're dead and the car driver gets a slap on the wrist and a £20 fine.

The risks we take for fun... I wonder how many people would still do it if it wasn't dangerous?
I've tried a few mounting positions for my GoPros and have settled on two. One on the side of my helmet and a sucker mount. The latter I either stick on the fairing facing forward or on the windshield facing back at me. Both work fairly well.

I've never tried removing an adhesive pad though. I always assumed that some heat and elbow grease would do the job if it ever came to that.
I know I do think about that myself, however I'm sure even if you would have said that to Michael Schumacher prior to his accident, this could happen, he'd of brushed it off as unlikely.

Riding a bike full stop, is dangerous. If i was to say to you, you could end up with a serious head injury or in a wheelchair, would it stop you from riding ?

It doesn't stop me as I'm a motorcyclist myself, I attend track days & the like where the top speeds get upto at least 160+ mph.

It's just the thought of having a low speed incident, perhaps falling off sideways when stationary even, and ending up with a serious head injury instead of a minor one (or none at all). And all because of a camera that was stuck to the the side of my head that could have been fitted on the bike.

At high speeds you expect to come out of an accident badly, to end up in a state after an otherwise low risk accident just for the sake of a camera; that doesn't appeal to me much.
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