Anyone use Dropbox?

14 Apr 2003
Deepest Yorkshire
Does anyone here use Dropbox? ( ) I installed it the other week and I have to say its awesome, so seamless easy to use, I can share stuff with my brother in the shared folders and can access everything from the web too. You get 2Gb free space with it as well. Also things in your public folder can be accessed by URL so it works as free hosting too.

I've got a few invites if anyone wants one...
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ooooh interesting. I'd like an invite if possible please :)

squimmy.squimmy at

EDIT:: Thank you :)
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Looks like this could come in really handy. If there is another invite going spare I'd like one :)

E-mail in trust, cheers Hamish :)

EDIT:// Thank you for the invite :)
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Which address? :)

EDIT: you've only got a hotmail, how did you manage that? ;)

EDIT: sent...
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I use the same principle for my work, but I just use Transmit.

I've created a droplet that is linked to my .Mac Public folder, so when I'm in work I can just drop stuff on to the Windows Shortcut for the public folder, and when I'm at home I can just drop stuff on to the Transmit droplet in OS X.

Not sure they've thought that video through either. If it were me, I wouldn't have shown the .mp3s or the other copy-protected media. Not saying he/she is filesharing, but it could certainly be used for the purpose.
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