Anyone Use Mac Mail?

4 Aug 2004

I recently started using Mac Mail and I really like it except I have a little problem.

I have set a signature and used the Arial font. I have also set Arial as the default message font. So my message looks all nice in Arial but after I have sent it and I receive a reply back the font in my original message has converted to horrible Times New Roman. My signature however, is still in arial.

Anyone any ideas?
Thanks for the advice everyone.

I have tested sending to myself. When I do this it shows fine in Mac Mail but on my PC on Outlook it shows as Times New Roman. The signature isn't actually arial as first thought, it's some other font.

The emails are for business and it makes them look terrible.

Any ideas?

Edit: I have just noticed that my Mail email format is rich text. Will changing to plain text resolve it do you think? Will that mean URL's will not hyperlink though?
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