Anyone used Apple Motion?

1 Sep 2005
Scottish Highlands
If so, I could do with a little bit of help.

I have a motion track on a video clip. Where this motion track moves to, I want a line to be drawn on top the video, but I can't for the life of me figure out how. I am able to get the motion track to follow the movement of the video, no problem. But then I somhow need to convert the motion track path into a spline or curve of some sort, but I have no idea how. Any ideas?
I haven't used Apple Motion, but if it is like most other motion tracking software you don't convert the track to a line. Instead you have to attach another image, to the track. You could use a dot to make a line.
It depends on the effect you're trying to achieve but usually you'll want to just map/link/attach the XY position cords of the motion track to the XY position cords of the thing you're trying to move?
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