Anyone used DualServer or TFTP Clients?

23 Nov 2004

I've find a nice little freeware product that will do DHCP/DNS.

Initially I was just going to use it as a stand-alone DHCP service, but I notice further down the config file there are TFTP options. I'm trying to implement a re-imaging solution and need both DHCP and TFTP capabilities. To save using another product, I was hoping I could just use one for both, however I can't seem to get the TFTP bit working. Am I reading the config file wrong? It seems to have all the options to make TFTP work. Here is my config file:

#This file should be in the same folder where DualServer.exe file is.
#Any entry starting with a punctuation character will be a comment
#You need to remove ' from begining of values and replace with your 
#own values below if you need change settings.

#Specify the service you want to use
#Default is both services

#Specify the Interfaces you would like Server to listen
#if you have more than one NIC card on your server
#always specify which cards will listen DHCP/DNS requests
#Requests from diffent Interfaces look for matching DHCP ranges.
#Requests from relay agents look for matching range to relay agent IP.
#upto 125 interfaces can be specified.
#Default is all Static interfaces

#Logging will be done only if run as Service.
#LogLevels can be set as None, Normal or All
#Logging Level has be specified separately for DHCP and DNS
#It is advisable to keep logging to Normal, Normal include errors 
#and DHCP Lease renewal messages. Normal is defaul logging also.

#These are permitted hosts for DNS Query.
#Hosts having IP address within these ip ranges
#only will be responded to DNS requests.
#Hosts "queried for" has nothing to do with these ranges.
#32 ranges can be specified.
#DHCP Client ranges are automatically included
#use second example for allowing all hosts

#This is where hosts and their
#IPs needs to be specified
#DNS will resolve as per
#entries here, in addition to
#DHCP alotted addresses.
#Bare names automatically
#assume local domain-name.
#hosts here need not be local
#reverse entry is automatic.
#MX and ALIASs needs to
#be given in respected sections
#no alias or wild cards in this section
#No limit to no. of entries here !

#These are alias names
#ALIAS should be bare or local name
#while CNAME can be local or FQDN, 
#pointing anywhere in the world
#This server will resolve them
#ensure CNAME in right of 
#= and ALIAS is on left
#in form ALIAS=CNAME
#No limit to no. of entries here !
#Make this entry for default host of domain
'dns1 = dns

#These are wild card based hosts for
#name queries only (A type only).
#wild hosts would be matched if none found.
#during normal lookup but before forwarding.
#if queried name matches these wildcards
#specified ip would be returned, but there
#would be no reverse lookup against IPs here.
# * and ? are the only wild characters.
#Be very careful while using wild hosts.
#wild hosts wont be part of zone transfer.
#only upto 32 wild hosts can be specified.
#wild hosts can be used to block some external urls
#If you just need "host not found" response,
#simply specify IP as

#These are default mail servers for domain
#This section handles MX
#queries. Entries should
#be in form HOST=Priority
#hosts can be local or external

#This is local zone/domain for this Server
#Default is workgroup (not authorised) if not specified
#There are two formats for this
#just workgroup means this is not authorized server
#with default domain name workgroup means this is authorized server for 
#zone workgroup and network
#authorized DNS Server will support AXFR and Zone Trnasfer
#and Zone replication. It will also send
#NS records with DNS queries and NS queries will be responded.

#If DNS Service is enabled
#These servers are used
#as default Forward DNS Servers
#DNS Server here would be overridden by
#servers specified in [CHILD-ZONES] section.
#However If only DHCP service is used,
#these are passed as local DNS Servers,
#unless overridden by DHCP-OPTIONS or client OPTIONS
#Max Number of DNS Servers is 8
#Program auto detects if not specified

#If your main domain has child zones and
#each child zone has its own DNS
#Server(s), DualServer can also be used domain
#name server for all zones as main Domain Name Server.
#The queries would be forwarded to these child
#servers. each child zone need 2 enteries, one
#for name lookup and other for reverse lookup
#limit is 32 entries. Each such entry can
#have upto 2 child DNS Servers, separated
#by comma.
#You can also use entries here as DNS-PROXY
#and forward queries to diffent DNS server.
#based on matching of last part of query.

#You need to specify Primary
#and secondary servers for replication
#to work. You can add some Clients also,
#which may make TCP/AXFR queries.
#make sure that Primary & Secondary
#Server entries are same on both servers
#Alternatively/Additionally You
#can also specify upto 6 clients/servers
#which can make tcp/axfr queries to this server

#Lease_Time is Maximum lease time in seconds for DHCP
#Lease_Time is also expiry for other DNS hosts
#Default is 360000 sec (100 hours)
#specify 0 for infinity.
#below are zone repl timings
#Below are DNS caching timings, You should never specify them
#under Production Environment as this may make cache entries stale.
#DNS Entries should expire as specified by their auth DNS Servers.
#However you can override for testing purposes only

#This is http inerface for viewing lease status,
#Default is, port 6789
#You can change it here to any network interface.
#Only this server's alotted dynamic leases and static leases are displayed
#Replicated dynamic leases (from Replicated server) are not diplayed.

#DHCP Sections
#Sections below are other DHCP Sections. Clients can be alotted addresses in
#two ways, dynamically from DHCP Range or statically. For static addresses,
#client section needs to be created for each static client
#against its MAC Address. BOOTP clients are allways static.
#The DHCP Ranges are grouped into [DHCP-RANGE]s, so that range specific options
#can be specified for a group of ranges at one place. The total ranges together
#in all [DHCP-RANGE]s is also 125 and there can also be 125 [DHCP-RANGE]s max.
#You can specify one or more ranges in each [DHCP-RANGE] section, in format
#specified.DHCP Server will a lot addresses from these ranges. Static Hosts
#and BootP clients do not need ranges. do not specify any [DHCP-RANGE]
#or DHCP_Range if all clients are Static.

#The Policy for alloting dynamic address is:-
#1)First Look for MacAddress in DHCP Client sections
#2)If not found look for old expired/active address of same host
#3)If not found, look if DNS has matching hostname entry and this IP is free
#4)If not,look at requested IP Address and it is free
#5)If not, allot virgin IP Adress, if any available
#6)If no virgin IP address exists, allot expired IP address of other host.
#From 2) to 6), requests from diffent Interfaces look for matching DHCP ranges
#of Interface IP and requests from relay agents look for matching range to 
#relay agent IP.

#All the ranges in a [DHCP-RANGE] section can be further restricted
#by Filter_Mac_Range, Filter_Vender_Class and Filter_User_Class
#If for example Mac Range is specified, then this section's ranges
#will only be available to hosts, whoes Mac Address
#Falls in this range. Also if any host has matching Filter_Mac_Range in
#any DHCP_RANGE section then other DHCP Range sections 
#without Filter_Mac_Range or not having matching Mac Range will
#not be available to it. Each Manufacturer has a fixed Mac Range.
#Same Mac ranges can repeat in many DHCP_RANGE sections.
#For Filter_Vendor_Class (option 60) and Filter_User_Class filter (option 77),
#the range would only be available to matching value of Filter_Vender_Class
#and Filter_User_Class sent in client request. If Filter_Vender_Class and 
#Filter_User_Class do match in one or more ranges, other ranges with missing
#or not matching values would not be available to such clients.
#You can specify upto 32 Filter_Mac_Range, Filter_Vender_Class and
#Filter_User_Class in each [DHCP-RANGE].

#You dont need to specify any filters for relay agent. The range is automatically
#selected based on relay agent IP and range's subnetmask. Relay agent always sends
#it's subnet side IP. This server would only use the DHCP Range, which contains this IP.
#This would ensure that correct range is used. This feature eliminate the need of 
#additional configuration. For matching purpose, range is recalculated using
#Subnet Mask of range and Relay Agent IP.

#This is first and simple DHCP range section example,
#This example may be good enough for simple/home use.
#If you need range filters, look at example below
#Following are range specific DHCP options.
#You can copy more options names from [DHCP-OPTIONS]
#Lease Time can be different for this Range

#This section is also simple [DHCP-RANGE] section
#Here the options are specified as flat options.
#Following are flat range specific DHCP options.
#Subnet_Mask below
#DNS_Servers below

#This is filtered [DHCP-RANGE] section.
#First eight entries in this example are filters.
#Currently only following types of filters are supported
#However 32 filters of each type can be specified
'Filter_Vendor_Class="MSFT 5.0"
'Filter_Vendor_Class="MSFT 5.1"
'Filter_Vendor_Class="MSFT 5.2"
'Filter_User_Class="My User Class 4.0"
#Next few are actual ranges of this section.
#Following are range specific DHCP options.
#You can copy more option names from [DHCP-OPTIONS]
#or add flat options like 240="this is the string value"
#or as IP like 6=
#or byte array like 6=123,45,1,0,3,67,4,3,22,4,3,5
#or hex array like 6=23:89:a5:ba:a9:e4
#Lease_Time can be different for this range
#specify 0 for infinity.Lease_Time
#You can also use hex array or byte array with named options
#If you want to send option 43 back to client for
#ranges in this section, specify it as flat option like:-
'43="this is return string"
#or use the byte array in value
#or use the hex array in value

#This is an example of some mac ranges, which will
#be denied DHCP address. The trick is specify the
#filters but do not specify any actual range.
#Hosts falling in following ranges will not get IP.
#If you uncomment the lines below
'Filter_Vendor_Class="MSFT 5.0"
#No DHCP range is specified in this section

#These are global DHCP Options and would suppliment
#client specific options and [DHCP-RANGE] options.
#Options tags start with 1 and goes upto 254, you can
#always specify option like 1=, but it may
#be difficult to remember option tags. Try using Option Names
#If no matching name found, you can use tag=value (flat options)
#You can also specify the value as byte array or even hex array.
#Some options having sub-options can only be specified as hex/byte
#array If options have client specific values, move/copy them
#to specific client's section. If any option has DHCP range
#specific value, move/copy them to [DHCP-RANGE] sections.
#You may quote litral stings (must quote if sting contain chars
#like comma, dot or colon) for example NDS_Tree_Name="my.NDS.Tree"
#or 43="this is return string" or use the byte array in value
#like 43=123,56,87,123,109,0,23,56,156,209,234,56 or use the hex
#array in value 43=a6:87:b6:c9:ae:eb:89:09:a4:67:d5

#Subnet_Mask if not specified, taken as
#Next_Server is PXEBoot TFTP Server
#next few are sample flat option, (global mac boot options)
#option mac-version
#option mac-nb-img
#option mac-apps-img

#Following sections are client specific DHCP entries/options
#You need to specify IP Adress only. Other options are optional.
#More option Names can be copied from DHCP-OPTIONS to clients.
#For BOOTP requests, only these options would be sent.
#For DHCP requests. Missing Options will be supplimented from
#first [DHCP-RANGE] options (if IP falls in any range), other
#options will be supplemented from [DHCP-OPTIONS].

#This is a client with MAC addr 00:41:42:41:42:00
#No other options specified for this client
#For non BOOPT requests, Missing Options will be supplimented from first [DHCP-RANGE]
#options, if IP falls in any range. and other missing would be added from [DHCP-OPTIONS].

#This is a client with MAC addr 00:41:42:41:42:05
#DHCP will offer following hostname to this client
#For example, you can specify DNS Servers, Routers separately for this client
#Lease_Time can be different for this client
#Lease_Time here should be < Lease_Time given under [TIMINGS]
#specify 0 for infinity.Lease_Time

#this is an example for MacOsX network boot, client specific options
#for client having MAC addr 00:ff:a4:0e:ef:d5
#you can omit the comments, these are for guidance only
#Next Server (TFTP Boot Server) and Boot File can be different for this client
#option mac-nc-client-unknown
#option mac-nc-client-id
#option mac-username
#option mac-password
#option mac-machine-name
#option mac-client-nb-img

Have I missed something? Suggestions?
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