anyone used to play on Wireplay ?

1 Jul 2007
Ahh the good old days of 1p a min dial up fantastic games of TFC, and a huge phone bill lol.

anyone else play TFC on it ? and if so were you in a clan ?
Well if anyone remebers any clans from wireplay TFC, i was DSH Bastardos. :)
usually played an engineer in defence.

Also remeber the WW2 flying game where it was russians, UK, US and german ? cant remeber what it was called though something like air attack.

Must have spent about 1.5k on my phone bill just on wireplay the year we were in the TFC league. Worth every penny though, brilliant community.
I remeber when the best clans were AK47 and SHS ( TFC that is ) i remeber the first time i saw a minigun guy get conc grenaded upto the top of the lift on the well, i think it was called. SHS were a fantastic clan and we learned shed loads by playing them.
Gladil said:
I remember your name, I was in DSH when it first started up :)
Back in the day I went by the name Av2 and played soldier in defence.

LOL Hiya m8 many years since i saw that name, remeber chief wiggum and trauts ? they used to play in def too. Chief Wiggum was well known to be the best HW guy on wireplay TFC..

ahh the good old days :)
To be honest, some of my best gaming days were on 56k, paying 1p a min just to play on wireplay plus the internet cost.

they dont know they're born these days with the 20mb connections... lol
R5Rich said:
Also I just read all the posts, people on about conc jumps and so on in TFC well get this.... I have a CD here in this rack I aint touched in years full of tfc vids. I might host em if people are interested, loads of conc jumps and tricks ;)

yeah post em m8, might see a few peeps we know lol
Was there a (JEDI) clan on Air attack ? my mate used to play every hour he could, his name was griffen, apparently he was quite good. Could never get him on TFC.
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