Anyone using Meraki switches?



30 Apr 2003
Been using a wireless setup for months and am loving the reporting and general setup. Getting tempted with putting in a couple of switches for workstations and voice.... Any real world experience of this?
Got 33 of them spread around Cornwall and Devon as well as over 200 Meraki APs and been very impressed with the ease of use and reliability.

If you've got any questions, post away :)

Cheers, it's more the reliability / known issues and gotchas I'm after specially from a switch perspective the wireless kit I know and love. Our supplier was mentioning they've had people experience issues with spanning tree and that but it didn't sound too severe.

Have you had any problems with stuff rolled out in the forced firmware updates? Biggest query I've been asked as well is what happens if they go bankrupt etc given they brick the device if you don't renew the license?
Thanks guys, this is exactly the sort of conversation I wanted to stimulate. Thus far the only thing that's stopping me from being able to recommend the switches specifically is that effective kill switch, for wireless in that sense I'm less bothered. If they left the devices unmanageable, but still functioning I'd be fine with it, it just seems like the sort of risk that could end people's careers if you get what I mean?
The biggest blocker for us at the moment, is essentially the "network as a service" setup. My biggest fear of pushing them into the business is that they're seen as a traditional bit of hardware, buy it, shove it in the rack, leave it there with little or no maintenance. If the license lapses on the Meraki, that's it, the box dies. It's worth noting that we could go down the 2960-x route, but the management of them would predominantly be performed by an MSP.
Out of interest do you have them stacked and have any VLANs setup on the Meraki switches? Any voice going through them too?
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