Anyone want to setup a meet ?

20 Sep 2003
I'm hopefully gonna get a week off work starting June 11th and i am looking for a good excuse to take my car for a run. Is there any meets happening down south this time of year or anything planned ?

Anyone want to setup a meet :D
Call me st00pid but whats MM4 ?

Can you guys come up witha specific date as i will need to book time off work
Ahhh yeah that thread i was just reading that..... DOH!

Looked like a good time but dont you all think a Summer meet is needed, I mean we need to take a smuch advantage of the summer weather as we can in this country :)
Del Lardo said:
Heading down to Le Mans on the 14th. If you're after a proper meet you could head down there :D Tickets still available.

Whats involved in this then m8 sounds interesting. What sort of costs are involved and how many are going ?

Its my bday on the 11th so would make a good trip :)
Damn yeah the World Cup how could i have forgotten that ???

Hmm maybe i will just hang off and head to Global Gathering at the end of July.

C'mon the Dutch :D
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