Anyone watch Wolf Creek last night or seen it before?

9 May 2005

I watched this last night and am unsure what I thought of it, I liked the suspense at the beginning but the way they made the killer out was a bit wierd, did he think he was a comedian or something??? :confused:

Just didnt seem that believable to me, even when he was shot in the neck he was still trying to be funny, the gore was there though if you like the typical and over-used "Hollywood Horror" feel.

I think it could be best summed up by "had a lot of unused potential"

Not the worst film I have seen, what did you guys think of it?
Watched it a while ago. I actually thought it was pretty good (then again I'm one of ther few that enjoyed Alone in the Dark!)

Don't think he was a comedian, more of a damn fruit cake.

But overall I really enjoyed it, in fact might watch it again of the weekend.
~J~ said:
Don't think he was a comedian, more of a damn fruit cake.

Yeah I got that, just he wasnt a very good actor in my opinion, the other guy though (Ben, was it?) was much better.

The scene at the end where he was chasing them was similar to The Hitcher (real good film, quite old now though) Rutger Hauer in that did a brillaint job at portraying a mad man on a killing spree.

One for I will say about the film though, it put me off wanting to travel round the outback, if you broke down out there you would be screwed, lol
I found it quite twisted if i'm being honest, especially considering the amount of people that actually do go missing whilst back packing!
Yeah I saw it too, but only the last hour. It was pretty minging when he did that thing to her spine with the knife :(

I agree that it had a lot of unused potential, It didn't leave me particularly disturbed, apart from the fact he was never caught.

Was it based on real events?
Yeah I believe so, I agree with the spine bit, it was quite warped.

Talking about "The Hitcher" above, I just seen in the paper that there is a remake of it out with guess who as the lead part............. ...........Sean Bean, didnt they learn from Silent Hill. :p

He was good in Sharpe, but the only decent film I have seen him in was the football one he did, "When Saturday Comes"
i watched it, thought it was a very depressing film to watch. Very impressed with how the brutality of the film was expressed. I'd definately not buy it conisdering i'd never watch it again but it's a very good example of how films aren't necessarilly for entertainment
Phalanx said:
wtf did your girlfriend by it for? this is one of those films that isn't supposed to be bought

We have a huge DVD collection, one of those films we never heard of, read the back of it and it sounded ok. It wasn't...
I don't get this right, if I was Liz (the one who woke up and went back for her mate) I would've shot the bloke and made damn sure he was dead.

Kicked him repeatedly in the face, found any tool possible to make sure that guy had stopped ticking, just anything.

I don't understand why they didn't do that in the first place it could've been avoided, if horror movies taught me one thing it's if he's down you make sure he's down.
Jihad said:
I don't get this right, if I was Liz (the one who woke up and went back for her mate) I would've shot the bloke and made damn sure he was dead.

Kicked him repeatedly in the face, found any tool possible to make sure that guy had stopped ticking, just anything.

I don't understand why they didn't do that in the first place it could've been avoided, if horror movies taught me one thing it's if he's down you make sure he's down.

that's exactly what I thought, I mean, the girl who shot him in the neck and pummeled him in the back when he was on the floor, she didn't even like, hit him in the head or anything.

If she was only a little more violent everything would have been fine :(
I agree with that, the killers acting was not very believable and neither were some parts of the film in general.

She had just seen her friend be shot, nearly raped and tortured where she would have been next, yet 1 gun bash against the back is all she could muster up? :confused:

To the poster above, why would someone not buy a film like this? I dont mean this film in general as it was very average but a film of this content.

I have some titles that poeple may not want to watch once let alone twice but there in my collection as I appreciate the directors thinking in the films, decisions he's made, special effects used.
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