Anyone watching the TT this week?

is there any way to watch the races live? ITV4 only have a highlights show :(
I thought they were showing it all? Argghhh oooowwwww... all kicks off was it 12 or 2pm tomorrow???... NOOooooooo

Somer valid points here, looks like only highlights then :-()
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McGuinness showing he is back on form again. Amazing riding by him today to take his 18th win.

Creditable second for Donald and Anstey did well too and it must have been frustrating for Guy Martin to have tyre troubles just when he didn't need them. I imagine that problematic rear spindle has had a good kicking up and down Douglas prom tonight. :p

Good first day, excellent racing so far. Just wish I was there!!. :)
Agreed thought McGuiness had a solid ride there... and Donald pushed him, however the others were dropping back every lap, thought Anstey was well out of it, then he came on strong. Was entertaining that... some of those speeds,incredible.
At least 3-4 years though... unless he has a storming week some point... will see tomorrow lol.

However, nicely done today... I'm waiting for supersport round 2 tomorrow, especially if raining, should be mad lol
However like in the super sports race two, you can get catch up so, you've got the double whammy of a "mini race" with close racing and still actually watching the clock, that was a great race earlier in the week.

Tonight, it's 8pm guys, and highlights are the super lightweights ER6 vs SV650's... should be good and my mate has just bought a 2012 ER6, so he'll be watching with interest!
Ahhhh, yeah sorry they didn't bring the Sv650 did they, yeah forgot about that as earlier in the year they were on about it... sorry my mistake :-) Should make for even better racing then ;-) apart from Farq's ER6 is mental... wonder if they've all had same changes...
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