Anyone went 1440p/4k and is unimpressed?

18 Aug 2006
ChCh, NZ
I finally gone and bought a 4k TV. I wasn't looking for a 4k TV specifically but I managed to snag a great deal on a 40' one and brought her home.

Excitedly I hooked it up to the PC and fired up The Witcher 3. It didn't want to load ...

Ok never you mind, I loaded GTAV and went to the settings and pushed it to 4k. Now, I have a 980GTX, not space alien technology but I would've expected it to run better than it did. I had to turn a heap of settings down and while there was a noticeable difference in resolution, hardly enough to warrant the hype. I changed it to 1440p and it ran much better with settings a bit higher. I couldn't see much, if any difference over 1080p.

The same case for a few other games. 4k and it turns to a crawl. I tested for about an hour, gave up and went back to 1080p. If I bought this for 4k specifically I would've felt really really done over.

Anyone else find the same thing?
Sadly you picked two of the most demanding PC titles to try and play at 4k, so no wonder you are unimpressed, especially with a single GPU. Try something that runs well at those settings like alien isolation and enjoy :D

Just remembered I bought that on the Steam summer sale.

Had a go and if I'm completely honest, I didn't see any difference over gaming at 1080p. In theory I should've as there's more pixels around, but it just weren't making me go WOW! But you're right, it did run much much better.

On the Windows desktop there's a good difference and going back to 1080 as my desktop resolution made my eyes hurt for a second. So yea, that might be worth keeping at 4k but as far as gaming goes, I'll stick to my trusty 27' and stick the TV in one of the rooms.
What is it like as a 4K TV?

Nice actually. Was just looking to buy a normal TV (as in 1080p) when I was told of someone in financial dire straights and looking to sell a TV asap. Imagine my surprise when I found out it's 4k!

Not that I'm aware of any 4k content out there so :p
you picked up a budget 4k tv to play pc games no wonder you were left unimpressed. your ips monitor will be better for that. Try a 4k ips monitor

Nah mate, funny that you should mention an IPS panel. One caught my eye today when I was in my local computer store. It was an Asus 27' (4k). Looked really good but truth be told, so did the 27' 1080p next to it.

Like I said, I didn't go out looking for a 4k gaming monitor, I went looking for a TV and had a go using it as a 4k monitor.
You're not unimpressed, you just made the mistake of not having a system to decently perform @ 4k and are misplacing your judgments on it.

Also, are you really running 1080p on a 4k monitor? I'm not familiar with any sort of scaling tech but won't that look extremely ugly compared to native?

No, I'm using 1080p on my Asus 27' monitor. I plugged the PC in to the TV to use it as a 4k monitor which didn't pan out too well. So I unplugged it again and went back to my PC monitor.

Hope this clears things up
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