Anyone with a 680X having problems with iCUE and Lighting Node Pro?

28 Dec 2003
Ok so not strictly a case question but more the Lighting Node Pro that comes with the Corsair 680X RGB.

Is anyone having weird crashing problems with this? I know iCUE has an abominal reputation but it's more complicated than that.

Before I rebuilt into this case, I was running iCUE with my K70 RGB Mk2 keyboard without any problems at all. Now, with both the keyboard and the Lighting Node connected and visible in iCUE, I get a strange issue now and then where the machine appears to lock up or crash but I think it's just the keyboard and mouse become unresponsive. I then have no choice but to reset it, then it's fine again.

I first tried removing the iCUE software, so the keyboard and case fans all run in their default modes and this seemed to fix it. Now I've tried reinstalling iCUE but instead disconnecting the Lighting Node from the USB and again it seems fine.

So it looks like some weird combination of iCUE and the Lighting Node. Just wondering if anyone else has had anything like this?
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