Anyone with a Lian Li PC777 ?

29 Dec 2003
I had one of these delivered today and am waiting for my motherboard, CPU, RAM and PSU so I can get the system built.

First impression - it's huge with excellent build quality (better than the PC71 I had a while back).

I'm interested in hearing comments from anyone else with this case.
I do like the look of the case, or else I wouldn't have bought it ;)

I like having something a little different from the norm whenever possible, and this seems to that category.
Yewen said:
Keep the box. ;)

I'm going to, I could practically sleep in it :D

Guinness123 - good to hear from someone else with one of these. I'm not too sure about the cooling either but I like the fact that a lot of the side panel is mesh, along with the front and rear 120mm fans that should allow air in/out of the case.
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