Anyone with an M572 motherboard (socket 7)

28 Aug 2012
I have an M572 motherboard that's missing some capacitors, I'm going to replace all the capacitors but obviously don't know the value of the missing ones, I could guess, going by the silk screen and photos from google, but I'd rather have confirmation!

Looking at the board with the CPU socket at the bottom and keyboard connector at the top, the capacitors in question are located towards the bottom left of the board, the first, EC19, at the top left corner of the CPU socket, next is EC23, to the right of the BIOS chip, then EC29, EC30, EC31 and EC32, all together right at the bottom of the board, bottom left corner of the CPU socket.

My guess is EC19 is 470uF 10v, the other 5 are 1500uF 6.3v

Any help will be much appreciated!
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