Anyone work ‘call out’

27 Dec 2003
Any tradesman or utility workers here have to do call out and standby after work/overnight

If so im interested to know your works arrangements if called out

so for example if your called out at 11pm and return home at 1am when would you be expected in work the next day?

are you expected in 11 hours after you returned home?

Only want responses from people who do it please
think we are being played for a fool then

Anything up until midnight you get nothing so due back in work on normal shift next day so 8am

anything after 12 you get the same amount of sleep time you are out past 12am

So lets say you finish work at 5pm but on call. Get called out at 10pm and return at 2AM you then get two hours sleep time so instead of 8am start you are in at 10am

However if you go out at 8pm and get back 11pm you get nothing and are back in work at 8am
That's how our place does it.
Probably not breaking any laws, as the number of pedantic jobsworths we have who 'know their rights' would definitely have kicked off by now, not to mention the union lot who are ever-ready to pounce on the slightest slight against the workers...

This is the thing though i think it is against the law

Daily rest
Workers have the right to 11 hours rest between working days, eg if they finish work at 8pm, they shouldn’t start work again until 7am the next day.
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