Anything better than the H340?

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
Hi guys,

Ive not been really looking at the MP3 market lately, but just wanted to know if theres anything out there thats considerably better than the old Iriver H340 that I still have? Im looking for a similar feature-set just in a better package...

Im more than happy with it (easily the best MP3 player out there in its time - hey paradox ;)) - the only annoyance I have is the size really and its not the most beautiful...

What I may do is just buy a smaller MP3 player for daily use and keep the H340 as a portable HDD or for holidays - problem is that to me Im just trying to find reasons to justify that its not redundant anymore...

So is there anything out there to replace it or should I just pick up a U10/Nano as a companion...

(P.S. Only joking about the Nano :p)

ps3ud0 :cool:
splitting hairs ;)

Not tried rockbox since its early stages on the H3xx series - matured much since then?

So if the H340 is still that good - whats a good portable player - really looking to get the U10 - anyone have one?

ps3ud0 :cool:
Just to say that theres a U10 4GB in the making - so might interest some of you - should be around £150-£175 mark hopefully...

ps3ud0 :cool:
Cough - anyone tried the iriver clix at all ?!?

Getting tempted since 4Gb is just big enough, rather have 8Gb tho...

Is the clix just the new name for the u10 or are there actual changes?

ps3ud0 :cool:
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