anything Epic games related wont launch?

11 Sep 2011
as title says after a reformat anything Epic games related wont launch on my machine, if i try to load the launcher i get the error "0x000007b application unable to start"
same for rocket league even through steam along with my fortnite install on a seperate HDD. All other games and programs seem to work fine from either steam, Uplay or Rockstar.
ive looked online for fixes and people say its DLL related so ive tried several of these fixes with no joy. Ideally i dont want to reformat again as its taken me 2 days to get everything set up and this was the last thing to do.
any ideas what could be going on? any help is great thanks.
yeah tried installing it to different drives, also tried running as admin. after more testing some other games wouldnt work either that were un related so i ended up reformatting again :( but everything is running perfect now so maybe something went wrong during the windows install.
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