Anything I can do - TV repair taking ages ?

18 Oct 2002
At home

My new 37'' LCD recently became faulty. Have only had it for about 50 days. Bought it at John Lewis so came with a 5 year warrenty.

Faulty happened last monday, they picked it up Wednesday. Called up today and was told they had only recieved another box to get it shipped to LG direct and may take a good few weeks !!!

Kind of expected a better service from John Lewis, I have got a loan TV set but it is rubbish ( can't even play the 360 as it isn't HD ! )

Worth calling John Lewis direct and complain ?? Or should i just wait ?
Thanks for the replies. bought the TV from John Lewis store and not direct.

It is totally bust btw, no picture or sound all of a sudden and to be honest the loan one they have given me is rubbish.

Have called them earlier and waiting for the manager to get back to me, that was almost an hour ago though :rolleyes:

Just got to wait and see what happens i guess.
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