Anything like Shadow of the Colossus or Castlevania Lords of Shadow on the PC?

1 Dec 2006
Amsterdam, NL
I LOVE Castlevania Lords of Shadow, however I pulled my xbox off my desk a while ago so can't play through it (again).

Any games like this on the PC floating around?
I reckon DMC4 and Darksiders 1 & 2 are your best bets. The PC has a load of variety, but 3rd person fighter/adventure games aren't a strong point.
I agree with Warbie here, especially with Darksiders 2. While it isn't anywhere near as epic as Shadow of the Colossus it has some moments that are reminiscent of it (especially the first boss - it felt like something out of SotC), but is also a very good Hack 'n Slash RPG as it is.
For both ICO & Shadow of the Colossus buy the original PS2 DVD games put them physically into your PC DVD drive ;) ............. (thats what I do & it looks great has a few glitches here & there but are fully playable start to finish with save states & upscaling to soften the gfx a little plus FPS is much smoother than it ever was on PS2 natively).
For both ICO & Shadow of the Colossus buy the original PS2 DVD games put them physically into your PC DVD drive ;) ............. (thats what I do & it looks great has a few glitches here & there but are fully playable start to finish with save states & upscaling to soften the gfx a little plus FPS is much smoother than it ever was on PS2 natively).

+1. Exactly what I was going to say.

The forum does not allow talk of the E word, but google will definately help when trying to play PS2 games on something other than a PS2 ;) (on a pc)
Dragon's Dogma looks pretty sick. I haven't played it yet but Angry Joe convinced me to put it on my To-Do list

While it is a very, very, very good game it doesn't quite capture the feel of SotC :( Sure you can scale enemies but the climbing doesn't feel quite as urgent or organic. Though if you can get your Xbox up and running again it is well worth a play through.
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