Anything out there is better than GearVR?

2 Jan 2005
West Midlands
I've the GearVR with an S7, the picture is sharp and has a focus adjustment wheel. The only thing I dislike about the GearVR, I'll constantly need to take out the SD card for adding movies and I can see a black border around the eyepiece.
I've tried Oculus Go, it was a huge step back because the focus is fixed, didn't have a focus wheel and for some reason the Oculus Go I tried it only like to focus in the middle and everything else was blurry.

is there anything better out there?
I would also add don't bother with the oculus Go if you want it for gaming. I had one for a week and returned it as the games were too shallow and simplistic.

I'm also waiting for the Quest as that looks more like a cut down Rift rather than a pimped up GearVR which is what the Go felt like unfortunately.....
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Yeah I wouldn't recommend the Go for gaming either - I'm pretty disappointed with most of the games - but as a portable 3D cinema it's amazing.
Doesn't sound right they the op says only the middle was focused though?

The Go does have a pretty big sweet spot, but the edges do look blurry due to the lenses. Chromatic aberration at the edges was pretty bad, but in the last update it's gone completely due to an unused part of the Go's processor now being dedicated to chromatic aberration correction. It's given a huge boost to the image quality with only a small reduction in battery life.
Thanks for the explanation, sounds pretty clever stuff. I like that Oculus are paying as much attention to the software as they do to the hardware, both are vital parts of the user experience
I had no complaints about the the visuals of the Oculus Go even at launch. It was really just the lack of proper dual Rift style tracked controllers and 6DOF which spoiled it IMO. The Oculus headset hardware itself (Optics, Chipset, Comfort,etc) was solid and felt decent especially for the £200 price tag.

That's why I'm so keen to see how the Oculus Quest turns out as it looks like it will address the issues I had with the Go.
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