anyway of making Opera look like Firefox (user interface)

12 Feb 2004
so im trying to move over to opera, and finding it quite good, but i cant get used to the tabs being at the top in opera opposed to under the URL box like Firefox, and the bookmark toolbar in firefox is awesome.

so my question is, can you modify opera to make it look like firefox?

if so, how?


edit: oh im using Opera v9.00, Build 8333.
Mmmm, more Opera goodness.

I have been using Opera for years and never knew you could do that. Cheers. :)
hmm, well i had it near enough like firefox, but now no pages will load in opera :( tried doing a search on opera forums but no one knows lol took me ages to customize it aswell.

sods law hey, maybe cos i was using the beta 9 version.

so back to firefox for now :p
I've just started trying Opera out after using Firefox for so long and I'm now liking it as much as Firefox. There are a couple of things I'm not keen on, but then there a couple of things that I find better so it balances out in the end.
I just keep going back to Opera, I tried Firefox for a while and it is superb but Opera just seems to have the edge for me. It just seems so much slicker.

Each to their own. :)
i have to say opera is my browser of choice now, there are so many little things that I like about it.

it feels quicker than firefox, just generally slicker and more advanced.
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