We have a simple set up with a few computers connecting to a NAS which acts as a file server. Files are saved to a clients folder with each client having their own sub folder etc. Weve had a couple of minor issues in the past where users have accidentally dragged one client folder into the one above or below which can be retrieved by a quick search as each client has a unique client code.
Today however was different and one user has somehow managed to delete the entire client folder! Luckily it was in the recycle folder on the NAS or we would have had to restore it from last nights backup and lost some of today's data.
Is there any way to stop this from happening or is there an alternate to Windows Explorer?
One thing that may be an issue is that our main piece of software automatically creates the client sub folder and adds further sub folders for each service we provide which may mean an alternate to Windows Explorer is the only option?
Today however was different and one user has somehow managed to delete the entire client folder! Luckily it was in the recycle folder on the NAS or we would have had to restore it from last nights backup and lost some of today's data.
Is there any way to stop this from happening or is there an alternate to Windows Explorer?
One thing that may be an issue is that our main piece of software automatically creates the client sub folder and adds further sub folders for each service we provide which may mean an alternate to Windows Explorer is the only option?